My students have been saying such funny stuff this week and it’s only Tuesday…here’s just a couple:

-“Ms.Schmidt can we please play the song with B, A, and G?  What’s it called….Hot Cross Muffins!”

-I’m teaching 1st grade and trying to decide which song we should do and I’m talking out loud.  I said “well we could do this song orrrrr….” and a kid followed that up right away with “…go to vegas??”  Well Vegas would definitely be more interesting than singing “Starlight, Starbright.”

-We’re learning about Brahms as our Composer of the Month in 2nd grade and I had just mentioned that he spent half of his life in Vienna.  A new 2nd grader (it is like his 2nd day at the school) raises his hand and goes into this long story saying “My family and I went to Vienna the other day and we kept asking people about that guy, what’s his name?  Oh right, Brahms.  And people kept telling us he was dead, and we were so mad that we wasted a trip to see him and he was dead.”  Ohhhh myyy this kid will be interesting for sure!

-In 3rd grade we’re playing recorders and I had each kid play a “B” for me so I could hear them individually.  When one student went to play, right before he blew in the recorder, he said “B….activate!!”  Hahaha yessss love it!

I can’t wait to see what other funny things are said this week…maybe I’m just being amused more easily this week…maybe no one else thinks these are funny…who knows…
