Well this Tuesday was much different than last.  My school didn’t have an oil leak and I had to go buuuut it was a teacher workday so I just got stuff accomplished the whole day.  Days like that are so necessary…especially at the mid way point of the year.  Here are some reflections from the year so far…some serious…most just silly

  • If I go in expecting the best of my students I am much less likely to be disappointed
  • I shouldn’t sharpen a ton of new pencils and expect none of them to be broken or have the erasers bitten off in a couple days…I will be sad every time (keep in mind these are my 3rd-5th graders, not the Kindergarteners-2nd graders)
  • It is not impossible for several 4th grade boys to put their legs behind their heads
  • No one likes to sit next to the computer when I use the projector…it’s way too hot
  • I have been fired and given an A+ several times by the same student this year
  • Just picking up a Dry Erase Marker to put a tally on the board is enough to silence 60 noisy 3rd grade chorus members
  • Beethoven wrote a piece called “Fur Ellis.”
  • I am pretty every day
  • The recorders the students get are beautiful
  • Students are drawn to the old music room like “a horse drawn to its farm.”
  • Russian is the best language to sing
  • My 5th graders would give up their recess time for extra chorus 🙂

Okay time to read my book and go to bed.  I’ve been reading “When Crickets Cry,” by Charles Martin and so far it’s very good.  A story with stories going on at two different times and lots of mysteries I can’t wait to be revealed!!